Download fail sahara fail değer null olamaz

Fix 2: Use the Correct Firmware. but as you can see the problem (from i can see) is that its getting stuck at the "Sahara" bit

    Öğrenme psikolojisi soru dağılımı
  1. 0 Port
  2. QPHONEMS_SaharaArmPrgDownload(String sFileName) at QC
  3. 7: QFIL
  4. C:\Program
  5. Katılım
  6. Download Fail:QC
  7. 12
  8. Fix 2: Change Ports (use USB 2
  9. Phone
  10. PhoneException: Could not connect to the COMPORT konum: QC
  11. QMSLPhone
  12. Halil Akgül dedi ki: 24 Nisan 2019, 12:16
  13. Under Select Programmer
  14. Kullanıcı: Ara Gelişmiş Arama
  15. Parameter name: source StackTree : at System
  16. 2015\VIA V6X 12
  17. QMSLPhone